Category Archives: Building Relationships

The Law of Attraction and Relationships

It has been said that the Law of Attraction can manifest itself in matters of wealth, health, and happiness. Part of the happiness is having fulfilling relationships. These can be romantic love relationships or familial relationships or simple friendships. The Law of Attraction affects them all. Whether you are trying to put the Law of Attraction to use in your life or not, it is always at work. You are always putting out vibrations into the universe. They are always collecting with like energies and coming back […]

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Choosing a Mate

In the wilds the process of choosing a mate is determined entirely by their physical properties; their strength, their courage and their ability to hunt and provide for their family. These principles still apply in many cases throughout the human world; however, since our minds are much more developed than those of our animal brethren there are other factors that should be considered. The practice of choosing a mate based on their ability to provide for a family is an important one, and while that ability in […]

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Forbidden Attraction

There are many situations in which a man and a woman may meet and develop an interest in other, not all of which loan themselves to the development of a stable relationship. There are some occasions upon which a man and a woman may meet and become attracted to one another but not be able to act upon these feelings. What can you do when you are the victim of a forbidden attraction? There are many situations in which an attraction may be forbidden, and each has […]

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